Smart News Science

Babies Aren’t So Moral After All, Unless We Engineer Them That Way

The latest research on the "Do babies have an innate moral compass?" question indicates that no, they do not

Ooff. Will this fit?

Frantic Search Ensues for Planet-Sized Dunce Cap as World’s Oceans Take Home Report Card

The "ocean health index" was just released, and overall the world got a giant "D"

The Professor Molchanov sails off the coast of Svalbard.

Arctic Algae Infiltration Demonstrates the Effects of Climate Change

A sudden shift seen off the coast of Svalbard demonstrates how the world's ecosystems will be reformed by persistent climate change

Killer Economy – Science Suspects Recession to Blame for 1,000 Suicides in England

While jobs declined in England between 2008 to 2010, researchers found that suicides increased

Doctors Probe Bodies with Tiny Microscopes But Don’t Know What They Are Seeing

These two skulls are having a moment – but how often did they get together in real life?

Hot for Hominids – Did Humans Mate With Neanderthals Or Not?

Geneticists are busy figuring out whether humans and Neanderthals got busy

Three of the 87 record eggs removed from the python

Big Momma – Record 87 Eggs Found in Gargantuan Everglades Python

University of Florida researchers cut into the largest python found in the Everglades, measuring a whopping 17-feet-7-inches long and weighing 165 pounds

Click Around This High Definition 360° Panorama of Mars


New Lacewing Species Discovered… on Flickr

Wildlife photographer Guek Hock Ping discovered a new species. Only, he didn't know it

Once-Hurricane Ernesto is currently passing over Mexico as a tropical storm

Get Ready for a Bunch of Hurricanes Between Now and November, Says NOAA

This year's hurricane season has started with a whimper, but the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration expects it to go out with a bang

Dubai’s man-made Jumeirah Islands.

If We All Lived Like UAE Citizens, We’d Need 5.4 Earths

Tim De Chant's Per Square Mile answers through infographics: How much land would 7 billion people need to live like the people of these countries?

Iconic American Buffalo are Actually Part Cow

Though plains bison are icons of America's cowboy past and rugged West, research findings show that most of the buffalo have cow ancestors from the 1800s

Sagan with a model of the Viking lander.

Long Before Curiosity, Carl Sagan Had Something to Say to Kids About Mars

In a lectures series for children, Carl Sagan educates us all on the history and exploration of Mars.


New Forensics Tool for Catching Elephant Poachers

Good news on the illegal wildlife trade front: a new forensic genetics tool allows scientists to pinpoint where seized illegal ivory originates

The Campi Flegrei caldera lies to the west of of Naples in southern Italy. (Naples is the giant city on the right).

Italian Supervolcano Could End Eurozone Crisis the Easy Way

Deep underground in southern Italy, just outside the city of Naples, the Campi Flegrei supervolcano has been resting for the past 500 years

Down and down and down it goes. Arctic sea ice extent, 1979 to 2012.

Everything You Need to Know About Arctic Sea Ice Melt, in One 10-Second Animated Gif

The Arctic is melting,


Man Wears Artificial Uterus for Science & His Wife

In rural Southern India, a husband has embarked upon perhaps the most chivalrous mission ever: designing an affordable menstrual pad for local women


Landing Curiosity on Mars was Way Harder and Way Less Expensive than the Olympics

Landing a car-sized rover on a distant planet using a sky crane is really hard, and really awesome.

Longhorn cattle in Houston, Texas.

Why Do Cows Have Spots?

Cows' mottled coats may have evolved to help keep flies away.


How to Recognize and Avoid Fake Health Food

It's no surprise that many of food health labels stray from truth, but how can we cut the rubbish and identify the things that are actually good for us?

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