
An advertisement for California citrus, circa 1920

When California and Florida Attracted Settlers With Promises of a Perfect Climate

Today, they rank at the top of lists of U.S. states most at risk from climate change

The female whale was found stranded in January on a beach near Palm Coast, Florida.

How an Orca Skeleton Made Its Way From Florida to the Smithsonian

Washed up in a rare stranding event, the newly collected specimen will offer rich exploration for researchers

A vehicle stuck on the shoulder of a road near Mayo, Florida, as Hurricane Idalia crosses the state.

Hurricane Idalia Hits Florida Amid Projected 'Above-Normal' Storm Season

The hurricane is the strongest to strike the state’s Big Bend area in about 125 years

The stadium features views of Pensacola Bay.

You Can Rent an Entire Baseball Stadium on Airbnb

Travelers can use the field, clubhouse and batting cages of the Pensacola Blue Wahoos

Though she appeared to be in good health just days earlier, Lolita died of a suspected renal condition.

Lolita the Orca Dies After More Than 50 Years in Captivity

Several groups were working to remove the 7,000-pound creature from the Miami Seaquarium and return her to the ocean at the time of her death

Signs for the Jean-Michel Basquiat exhibitition outside the Orlando Museum of Art on March 25, 2022

Florida Museum Sues Ex-Director Over Plot to Profit From Forged Basquiat Paintings

The museum says its reputation was badly damaged by a scandal it describes as "stranger than fiction"

Vasectomies should allow male peacocks to maintain their established pecking order while also preventing them from reproducing with multiple females.

Can Peacock Vasectomies Save This Florida Town?

Residents of Pinecrest don't want to kill the colorful birds, but they do want to keep their growing population in check

A diver swims around a coral reef in Key West, Florida, on July 14, 2023. Coral reefs in the Florida Keys are at risk of bleaching and death because of very hot water temperatures this summer.

Water Temperatures Hit 'Hot Tub' Levels in the Florida Keys

A buoy in Manatee Bay recorded 101.1 degrees Fahrenheit on Monday evening, as coral reefs suffer

Researchers estimate the states with the highest rates of Alzheimer's disease are Maryland, New York and Mississippi.

Here's Where the Highest Rates of Alzheimer's Are in the United States

A first-of-its-kind report estimates Alzheimer's disease prevalence in 3,142 counties across the nation

Researchers caught and tagged a 13-foot-long female sawfish off the coast of Cedar Key, Florida, in June.

13-Foot Endangered Sawfish Spotted in Northern Florida Hints at a 'Slow Recovery'

Scientists tagged the rare animal farther north than any such fish in decades, suggesting the species is returning to areas it once lived

Shipwreck NORMAN in upper Lake Huron in Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary

Eight of the Best Spots to Go Freshwater Diving or Snorkeling in the United States

These bucket-list underwater sites offer up megalodon teeth, manatee herds and other unique encounters

Female Anopheles mosquitoes infected with the parasite that causes malaria can spread the disease to humans through a bite.

Malaria Spread in the U.S. for the First Time Since 2003, CDC Says

Five infections caught locally in Florida and Texas have prompted health alerts from state and federal agencies

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