
Camping at the Zoo

Popular "snore and roar" sleepovers give visitors an up close nighttime adventure with animals


Following the Track of the Cat

The Bushmen of Namibia are so good at reading the language of footprints they can tell what a leopard did the day before they started pursuing it


The Rhinos Are Baaack!

In South Africa these hefty, unpredictable and inquisitive beasts are flourishing and have become very big business


Dear Smitty

Our authors write Smitty, our travel editor, about their journeys

Basset Hound puppy

Every Dog Wants to Have Its Day in Court

Eugene Gilbert in Bleriot XI attacked by eagle over Pyrenees in 1911 depicted in this painting

Evidence from the Skies


Horning In?

Bighorn sheep have made a big comeback in recent years, but some developers out West think they're intruders


Last of the Wild Buffalo

Long displayed, long dispersed, the famous Hornaday bison "family" is reunited in a new home


Sloth Bears: They Eat Ants, but Take on Tigers

Still used as "dancing bears," they can hold their own with the big cats but not with human expansion


The Return of the Elk

Monarchs of the mountain West, they once ranged all the way to the Eastern Seaboard. Now they are coming home


The Man Who Invented Elsie, the Borden Cow


Something Just Bit You?

Was it a scorpion? A spider? A snake? The toxin experts at APDIC can tell you what to do

A Census of the Wild

A government report takes a look at what we have left and where we are heading


Do Not Take the Javelina Lightly

Oh yes, it's a touchy-feely creature all right, but the collared peccary, or javelina, has very big teeth and it knows how to use them


A Mailbox with a Catch


New Breeds Down on the Pharm

Plain old barnyard animals — with genes from other species added — are producing medicines that keep people alive


Making Room for Prairie Dogs

These rodents are cute— if you're not a suburban homeowner watching your grass disappear. Millions live on the prairies, yet the rascals are in trouble


The Joys of Rehabbing

Rehabilitating injured or abandoned wildlife fulfills the longing of many animal lovers to know other bloods


Here, Birds Are Unafraid

Galápagos seabirds tolerate human spectators, and crabs in Panama ignore cars (but hide from trucks)

Komodo dragon

Everyone Knows the Dragon Is Only a Mythical Beast

But try telling that to the people who live on a few islands in Indonesia where several thousand real dragons subsist in the wild

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